Integrated design

STROY-INVEST-GROUP performs complex design of facilities for various purposes, including architectural design, structural solutions and engineering systems. Depending on the task you set, we will develop an architectural concept, draft design, project and working documentation in accordance with the received set of initial permits and design specifications.

Design of buildings and structures – this is perhaps the most fundamental stage of the construction of the facility. It is at this stage that the basis for all subsequent stages of construction or reconstruction work is laid, whether it is the design of houses or industrial facilities. The slightest flaws, errors or inconsistencies in the design of a house or other building will invariably lead to unscheduled material, labor and time costs. Therefore, it is very important to approach the choice of a design company with the utmost care and responsibility.

The process of developing a project for a house or other structure includes the following stages:

- Collection and analysis of the initial data necessary for the design. This includes work on the selection of a land plot, execution of a feasibility study, as well as technical conditions for communications and obtaining a building passport;
- Development of a technical assignment for the project. Each item of the terms of reference is discussed with the Customer, while taking into account the provisions of the approved feasibility study;

- Registration of technical conditions, which, after issuance and entry into force, will be the basis for the development of all design documents for the construction of the building;

- Direct project development.